S.Platter WRITES!

It took me forever to admit it. I should have detected the signs.

Three signs that you might just “be a writer”:

  1. Life is story.
    • You don’t just go on blind dates. You welcome them…for the story fodder.
    • You don’t just go out to coffee shops or restaurants to eat… you people watch.
    • You didn’t just get therapy for the years of misunderstanding a world of social and verbal cues… you used it as a memoir study.
    • You don’t really take vacations, per se. You say yes to anyone’s cabin near the water and haul off, just you and a toaster, to finish that chapter or scene.
  2. Of all the majors…
    • Some people major in areas that they can indeed find lucrative future work in.
    • You chose words. Well, English, but words. As a major.
    • Some played sports and did their undergrad. You might have used spare time getting lost in the library and penning future screenplays adapted from the book you just couldn’t put down or sleep until you finished.
  3. 3rd grade tells all.
    • When listing heros, yours was Judy Blume. And when the big opportunity to meet her came around, you wrote a grief memoir about your best friend dying. You still came in second to Philip who wrote fiction about ducks.
    • When given options at the Mideaval Fair – you chose the unmentioned “Storyteller” as your trade and walked around performing “How the Sea Became Salt.” Can barely barter with the pennies people tossed your way, but it was a worthwhile career to you.

I could go on, but I’ll let you chew on that for now. Just know, that it took a conversation on a bench at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX for me to admit, finally, that I am a writer.

But we will save that story for another day. I must make some coffee and catch the sun while it’s out.

S.Platter, the writer, begins her journey!

An updated “About the Author:”

When I was a little girl, my grandmother would call me her “mon petit chou chou” or her little cabbage. It was a term of endearment that she gave to me when I would sit on the coffee can and laugh just so everyone would join in.

An entertainer to the core, I carry on in this coffee-can mode hoping to engage and enlighten readers. A student initially set me up with this platform so I could write about movies as I saw them. She said, “You need an outlet, Splatter!” (In case you are wondering, Splatter is the name my students called me – not the wild film genre). Film is art. I am drawn to it, changed by it, and forced to appreciate it for its details. So, archived here, you can read my unsubtle, biased perspectives on films as I saw them for a period of about 8 years.

Now, I’m moving into a new season of writing – my sabbatical year(s). A year of seeking representation and hoping to publish novels and to option screenplays.

Love and Joi de vivre to all who read on and bravely follow me on this journey!

(Image above: Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash)